LET'S TALK. 877-341-5968

Take Control of Your Health Care Spend

Self-Funded employers partnering with Regenexx’s Interventional Orthopedics strategy can reduce their orthopedic spend on individual procedures by up to 70% and offer their employees a choice in care that they choose a majority of the time.

Request Information

For more information about employee care nationwide, please complete the form below.

Regenexx Provider Network

Regenexx has a rapidly growing provider map, comprised of doctors who are musculoskeletal specialists trained by Regenexx. Call us at 877-341-5968 for details on how the Regenexx Corporate Orthopedic Benefits Plan can help you.

Regenexx Procedures for Self-Insured Employers

Call 877-341-5968 for information or to schedule a meeting to discuss your unique situation.


More than 190,300 highly specific image-guided Regenexx® Procedures have been performed since Regenexx pioneered the field of interventional orthopedics, using bone marrow concentrate to treat common orthopedic problems in 2005.


The published research on Regenexx procedures accounts for approximately 44% of the world’s research on the use of bone marrow concentrate for orthopedic conditions (cumulative n of patients published & treated with bone marrow concentrate as of 1/1/2019)

Leaders in Regenerative Orthopedic Procedures

Regenexx offers non-surgical treatment options for those suffering from pain related to osteoarthritis, joint injuries, spine pain, overuse conditions, and common sports injuries. Regenexx procedures have helped thousands of patients improve their quality of life, return to the activities they enjoy, and avoid the need for surgery or joint replacement*.

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Why Self Insured Employers are Turning to Regenexx

Listen to representatives from Meredith Corporation explain why they chose to cover procedures at Regenexx for their employees.

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“I had very little mobility due to a torn rotator cuff. Since the procedure, I have full functionality.”

Lars L.

HVAC Technician

“I did not have to have a traditional surgical procedure where they would have to cut my knee. I was only off work for four days.”

Carol R.

Store Director

“I have had 3 prior knee scopes and I did not want to go through another one after not having the outcome I wanted.”

Janet K.

“I have not pursued surgery or a Regenexx procedure. After discussion with the Regenexx physician, it was determined that PT would be the best route to go. The pain I was experiencing was not in the area where the MRI showed I have issues.”

Berry B.

Purchasing Specialist

“I have gone through three traditional surgeries and the amount of recovery time is outrageous. With Regenexx I was able to use my legs almost right away and after six weeks, felt really good. Whereas with regular surgery you would be laid up for at least six weeks before you even start therapy.”

Janet K.

“I sincerely appreciate this benefit, as I want to avoid another total knee replacement as long as possible. This procedure has given me relief and I will hopefully either avoid having the joint replaced or will at least put it off for many years.”

Penny G.

Spouse of Employee

“This is something that I never dreamed would be available to me. I am so grateful that this has been added to our benefits.”

Joe M.

Warranty Administration Manager

“If not for my benefits covering the Regenexx procedure, I would have been looking at a knee replacement. This is a much better option for me and my employer.”

Dan B.


“Our work environment is hard on the knees, hips,shoulders, etc. It’s nice to have options now that I have coverage for Regenexx.”

Jeanne L.

Customer Service

“I am covered under my wife’s health plan. I can avoid invasive surgery. We are totally blessed to have this opportunity.”

Donald S.

Spouse of Employee

“I get a full night’s sleep now and am able to get back to my workout routine, slowly but surely. Very few headaches anymore!”

Joe M.

Warranty Administration Manager

“I’m able to focus better at work because I’m not focused on my pain. I have more energy to be social and active due to a decrease in pain.”

Micaela C.


“I was ecstatic to hear that my employer allows the Regenexx option. It is not invasive, expensive surgery and allowed me to get back to my life sooner without hefty bills. I’m so appreciative that this option was available to me and my family.”

Hayley M.

Sales Coordinator

“Definitely a cost-effective option worth trying before more invasive and costly procedures are done. I believe all effective options should be available for employees.”

Jeffrey F.

Police Officer

“I am able to move around without the nagging joint discomfort that I was beginning to experience on a daily basis. I thought I was going to have to consider retirement much sooner than I’d anticipated.”

Phyllis J.

Occupational Therapist

“I no longer have chronic, tight neck pain. The improvement in my knee is very significant and I don’t have the long recovery that happens with surgery.”

Ambika P.


“My procedure had a great impact on my productivity. I can now sleep without pain. Everyday chores are easier to perform. I can now walk without limping. I have even run a couple of times a week!”

Kimberly T.

Food Prep Specialist/Cafe Chef

“Regenexx has improved my physical and mental wellbeing, as my back pain has been almost eliminated.”

Stephan W.

Senior Internal Wholesaler

“My procedure had a huge impact! I was able to return to my job responsibilities almost immediately at 100%.”

Nicholai T.

Facility Manager/Maintenance

“It was great that I could have the procedure and not have to worry about the cost. So much easier than surgery.”

Deborah H.

Administrative Assistant

“I did not take more than a long weekend (Friday to Sunday) for both procedures and was able to return to work on the following Monday.”

Phyllis J.

Occupational Therapist

“I returned to work immediately, and my recovery process was a little physical therapy and I followed after-procedure instructions.”

Hayley M.

Sales Coordinator

“I was back at work within days. My recovery was better than expected, and I was able to return to full activity (with some modifications) within two weeks. All modifications were lifted within six weeks, and I only needed one physical therapy visit with homework.”

Cary D.

Executive Legal Assistant

Select Your Problem Area

Your body is built to repair damage to itself. In some cases, however, due to the site or severity of your injury or a reduction in these abilities with age, your body can’t keep up with the damage that is done.

Regenexx treatments use your body’s natural healing agents to repair or mitigate damage by concentrating and focusing them at the exact site of your injury. These medical procedures are only performed by highly-skilled doctors trained specifically in Interventional Orthopedics, and are used to help reduce pain and improve function.

Select a Problem Area

If you have pain, we're here to help. Regenexx® Procedures are non-surgical injection treatments that are intended to help reduce pain and improve function for those who are suffering from pain due to common injuries, arthritis, and overuse conditions.

Click a problem area to discover what Regenexx can do for you.


Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Arthritis of the shoulder joint
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Labral tears or degeneration
  • Rotator cuff tendonitis & tendonosis
  • AC Joint Separation
  • Recurrent shoulder dislocations

Foot & Ankle

Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Ankle Instability
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Peroneal tendon tear or split
  • Ligament sprain or tear
  • Sub-talar arthritis or instability
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Bunions

Hand & Wrist

Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Hand Arthritis
  • Basal Joint Arthritis or CMC / Carpometacarpal Arthritis
  • Instability
  • TFCC Tear
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Trigger Finger


Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Meniscus Tears
  • Patellofemoral Syndrome/Chondomalacia
  • ACL Tears + PCL, LCL & MCL Tears & Sprains
  • Patellar Tendonitis
  • Pes anersine bursitis
  • Baker’s cyst
  • Instability
  • Hamstrings Tendinopathy & Biceps Femoris Insertional Tendinopathy


Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Instability
  • Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow
  • Nerve entrapment (ulnar nerve)


Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Osteonecrosis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinopathy
  • Labral / Labrum Tear

Lower Spine

Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Lumbar Facet Injury
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Herniated or Bulging Disc
  • Radiculopathy (pinched nerve)
  • SI Joint Syndrome
  • Many More Disc and Low Back Issues

Cervical Spine

Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Cervical Instability
  • Cervical Facet Injury
  • Neck, Back or Rib Instability
  • Many More Disc and Cervical Issues Causing Pain

“Edison Healthcare welcomes Regenexx to the team. They offer a low cost and safe way to treat certain orthopedic problems.  We expect employers and their employees to see great value in this program.”

Tom Emerick
CEO and Co-founder of Edison Healthcare

  “Our job is to help employers across the US implement ways to gain control of their benefits spend and reduce that massive line item, while simultaneously increasing productivity. Because musculoskeletal spend is generally one of the largest claims classes for an insured population, introducing Regenexx into these plans immediately allows for significant savings, and yet equally important, provides superior outcomes for the lives they touch.”

Sally Pace
CEO of Connect Healthcare Collaboration

  “Our goal is to offer innovative, cutting edge and robust programs and resources for our employee’s that tie into our health and well-being strategy. We believe in offering choice to our employees to help them avoid invasive surgery and the resulting long recovery allowing them to get back to their lives more quickly. We think that adding the Regenexx Procedures is a valuable addition to our program that is helping us accomplish our goals”

Tim O’Neil
Director of Employee Benefits and Wellness Meredith Corporation

“When given the equal choice our corporate partner employees are choosing the Regenexx Procedures 99.6% of the time over the surgical alternative. It is crystal clear that employees want this alternative.”

Jason Hellickson
CEO Regenexx

“To allow employees to choose not to have surgery and to recover very quickly with much lower cost but also much lower absenteeism and a lot less pain and suffering.”

Steve Lacy
Chairman and CEO Meredith Corporation

“When it comes to solving America’s healthcare crisis, employers are the answer. With Regenexx, ACAP Health gains a partner dedicated to treating musculoskeletal injury, which is typically the leading diagnosis area for employer health plans in terms of total spend.”

Wally Goomla
CEO of ACAP Health

  “As an insurance executive for over 25 years I’ve seen the statistics of complications due to elective surgery which include death, heart attack and stroke. In leading Regenexx and understanding the benefits of Regenexx procedures, once an employer knows they can add these benefits to their plan, I believe they are obligated to give their employees this choice in orthopedic healthcare. It’s a solution with zero downside.”

Jason Hellickson
CEO Regenexx