The Benefits of a Regenexx Patient Consultation

What happens when an employee has an unsuccessful orthopedic surgery? What is that next step when a spine surgery or a knee replacement, which can result in expenses over $100,000, does not help and leaves your employee in constant pain? The employer is left bearing the burden of the health expenses before, during and after an elective orthopedic surgery.

Additional Orthopedic Surgery Costs

  • Pre-surgical therapies
  • Medication pre and post-surgery
  • Surgical complications
  • Lengthy recovery
  • Revision surgery

There is no turning back once a spine has been fused or cartilage has been cut from a knee. The fact remains that mounting research indicates that much of elective orthopedic surgery does not work and over half of all elective orthopedic surgeries in the US have been shown to be ineffective in clinical trials.

Regenexx has created a new pathway in orthopedic medical care that intervenes on sending patients straight to surgical options once basic modalities have failed.

A thorough assessment of an employee’s condition during a patient consultation can determine the level of candidacy for a regenerative procedure and the kind of procedure that would be most beneficial. This in-depth assessment is a tool unique to Regenexx that adds a valuable step in the care continuum for employees needing additional treatment options that may include surgery.

What Happens at a Regenexx Patient Consultation

Each one-hour consultation involves a full functional analysis using the Interventional Orthopedics SANS approach that evaluates stability, articulation, neuromuscular function, and symmetry to understand not only what is wrong, but what caused that injury. This analysis involves functional testing, imagery, live ultrasound evaluation, a full diagnosis, and a rating of candidacy or likely outcome from a Regenexx procedure. All Regenexx physicians are specially trained in this diagnostic approach.

This means that, as a part of our Standard of Care Model, your employees receive the same Regenexx patient consultation and method of candidacy rating throughout our nationwide clinic network.




Name: Mike Hylant
Title: Chief Executive Officer and Regenexx Patient
: Toledo, OH

What is your personal experience with Regenexx? The result of a hip surgery left me with a dropped foot and decreased motor function and exploring this procedure was an alternative for me to hopefully regain the function that was lost. Since my dropped foot was nerve damage related there were not any surgical alternatives that could help me.

What is your pain level since the procedure? On a scale of 1-10, I am currently a 2-3 and am 85-90% better than before the procedure. Things that I can do now that I could not do before the procedure are: go on walks, snow ski, golf, and stand for prolonged periods of time.

How did you decide on a Regenexx procedure versus others that offer regenerative medicine? I was introduced to Regenexx by my treating physician and had heard of other positive outcomes from his office.

Can you recall your new patient consultation and what was valuable about that consult? I do recall receiving very complete and comprehensive information about the process, procedure and positive outcomes at really no physical risk for trying.

How was the procedure and recovery for you? It was easy from a convenience standpoint and the procedure was less than 30 minutes. The process of giving blood is painless and easy. The procedure to regenerate the nerve was not always without pain, however, the pain was only temporary and a part of the healing process- well worth the outcome. My recovery was simply physical therapy and exercise.

I would tell someone who was thinking about surgery is that you have nothing to lose by trying this first. Surgery would be the last thing to do since it involves risk, no guarantee of outcome, possible addiction to medication and recovery and down time are far greater. I am not sure why anyone who is eligible would not try this first as long as they have the knowledge of it.



Before an employee has a Regenexx procedure, our physicians spend time to educate every patient on the natural healing process and what to expect from a Regenexx procedure. Click below to hear one of our physician explanations.

As the fiduciary and healthcare gatekeeper, architecting a well planned stair-step process before elective surgery is considered is one of the most effective tools to mitigate the potential loss of employee-health and company expense.


Find out how you can add Regenexx to your self-funded health plan. Call Regenexx at 877-341-5968.


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