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Regenexx Savings Calculator

Verified by the

Savings Opportunity

Savings with Regenexx
$ per year

Regenexx estimated savings are calculated based on Healthcare Blue Book pricing for orthopedic surgeries weighed against the average cost of a Regenexx procedure. Remaining orthopedic spend reflects patients who continue down the orthopedic care pathway despite being a candidate for a Regenexx procedure.

Healthcare Blue Book cost for % of orthopedic patients
$ per year
Regenexx cost for % of orthopedic patients
$ per year
Total with Regenexx
$ per year
% Reduction of Orthopedic Spend
% per year

Your Current
Orthopedic Cost

Healthcare Blue Book cost for all orthopedic patients
$ per year

Estimated orthopedic cost is based on the national average of 2.9% of health plan members receiving an orthopedic surgery every year and the average fair market cost of an orthopedic surgery according to Healthcare Blue Book.

This calculator has been verified by the Validation Institute. The estimated number of orthopedic patients is based upon a general adult population profiled in the Health Care Utilization Project (year). The estimated savings is based upon Health Care Blue Book (year) costs for a weighted portfolio of orthopedic procedures. The calculator is not a guarantee of savings. An employer’s actual savings will vary from these estimates.