Our patented Regenexx Procedures continue to get Great Outcomes..

Our patented Regenexx procedures continue to get great outcomes for our patients in a much less invasive way and at tremendous savings compared to the surgical alternative. Our corporate partners save 80+% on their orthopedic procedure costs compared to the surgical alternative. We are here to help you with the simple steps to add our procedures to your health and workers compensation programs. We work with all major health insurers and most workers compensation insurers. We have the ability to make the complex simple for you and your team.

Measurement of Function and Pain for Patients receiving the Regenexx PL-Disc procedure after 3 and 6-month periods

The FRI is an evidence-based measure of the patient’s perception of function and pain that serves as a useful indicator of ability to perform daily activities both at work and at home. These results suggest that, not only does the PL-Disc procedure offered at Regenexx, boast lower risk and faster recovery than the traditional approach, but also superior outcomes.

FRI Improvement (from baseline)

Dave’s Intense Back Pain was ELIMINATED after a Regenexx-DDD Procedure at Regenexx Des Moines.

Dave was walking without a cane one week after his procedure.

Promoting Your Employee’s Wellbeing through Regenerative Medicine. Updates and Findings from Regenexx®

We look forward to showing you how we have helped companies just like yours save millions every month by adding our procedures to your health and workers compensation programs. We are here to help you make the complex simple.