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The Healthcare Revolution Is Here. Don’t Miss Your Chance.

Three corporate behemoths- Amazon, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway, are shining a spotlight on the need for the healthcare revolution in their recent announcement: http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/news/jan3018.pdf. This single announcement sent stocks for...

Give Your Most Valuable Asset the Best Options Available

No employee WANTS to have surgery. As the fiduciary of your company health plan, you owe it to your employees to offer them effective non-invasive options to treat the hundreds of orthopedic conditions you currently prescribe to only surgery. This is not a radical,...

Before and After MRI Imaging = Proven Results

Decisive business leaders recognize they can’t wait for perfect information to make critical decisions. In fact, in order to change the trajectory of a company, decisions need to be made with a base of knowledge and intuition-even amid ambiguity and in unfamiliar...

Healthcare Options are Top Consideration for Employees

When employees are asked what they’re most thankful for, the response is usually “my job.” The further response to this is “my job gives me the ability to provide for my family’s well-being.” The value of their employment is at the core of this response and even more...

A Culture of Innovation Creates Continuous Improvement

For those of you who are early adopters like I am, you’re probably aware of the latest Apple technology introduced this month. Apple’s use of consumer data has allowed them to build the best product for consumer needs. They are innovators in their...

Great Companies Think Differently

The First and Only National Network to Support Great Companies Great companies do not solely exist as an entity to make money. Great companies believe that their higher purpose, as well as their influence, shape the lives of their employees, their company partners,...